Monday, December 5, 2011

Keeping - Cats

SHE was a dog person.  Lexie and I, cat people - they own us.  

I found this timeworn cat hidden in the bottom of a box of Lexie's things.  The glaze is crackled and the ears have been broken off but there is still something quite remarkable about this piece. I can only imagine its age and history.  So it will stay in my dining room to remind me of Lexie and my sister and the stories I have yet to discover, stories I wish I knew. 

My mini dachshund lived for sixteen years, he was perfect.  He grew up with a kitten I rescued on the side of a busy street.  They were best friends, Snuffy groomed Rex every night.  He fit right in with the other cats, we have had many.  Actually Rex thought he was a cat.  I was convinced my sister's herd of dogs would be better behaved if they had a cat to play with, or manage them is what I was really thinking, so in jest I bought this one for her.  Well at least I can say I was wrong, those dogs didn't even think this cat was even worth chewing up.  So it has come back and sleeps on Lexie's sofa, a reminder some dogs just will never be cats.  And likewise, SHE was who SHE was, regardless.

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