SHE had an affinity for rocking chairs, and actually chairs in general. Her great room was filled with them. The sofa had been tossed after years of wear and abuse but SHE did not replace it. There were two upholstered chairs, both inherited from Lexie, one was especially well worn, to sit and relax in at the end of the day. However the room was hardly empty, I lost track of how many chairs and rocking chairs SHE had or where they all came from or went to for that matter. I have two of the rocking chairs and two non-rocking chairs. There were at least a dozen all told.
The one above is especially old I think but I have no idea of its history, but I love the lines on it. It will live with me. It is rather short so I am thinking quite old, back when we were smaller.
This one was Lexie's, I didn't really realize it until I was home with it. The chairs are a blur really as there was limited time to determine where everything would go. When I unpacked this one I realized it was Lexie's because of the seat "cushion."
The "cushion" had been fabricated from layers of a blanket cut into shape to fit the chair. I know this because years before I had been given two blankets from Lexie just as distinct as this one. I love the layers.
Here it is without the "cushion."
What is it that drew her to chairs? Rocking chairs especially represent comfort, security. Chairs themselves give you a place. Remember the game "Musical Chairs?" Being left without a place to sit was to be shunned, avoided, rejected. Winning a chair was to be acknowledged, accepted, respected. Just guessing.