This windmill whirly-gig belonged to Lexie. It lived on her sunporch all the time I knew her. After that, it went to my sisters garage. I am not sure why it was never taken out of there, it made no sense but then, there were many things I just didn't question.
It is quite weathered, shows its wear from the past, paint peeling, bare wood exposing. It spins beautifully. After considering the age and wear, I kept it on my back porch, a clear view from the breakfast table, mesmerizing with its movement, magical. SHE asked me to take it, I will never understand why SHE left it in the garage all those years. Watching it spin through the window though is rather uncanny, I feel her presence.
I wish I were savvy enough to capture this in action and download it on this blog. This hardly reflects the beauty of the turns, or the architecture of its construction. I brought it inside as even on the backporch I could see the weather would do it harm.
This shows the wear a bit more.
So now it lives in my front room. I will take it out to the back porch from time to time to let it fly, to bring back the magic and take me closer to my sister.